Medizintechnik II – Exercises

Project Work 4 - Edge Detection


  1. Introduction
  2. Thresholding
  3. Segmentation
  4. Otsu's Method
  5. Edge Detection
  6. Canny Edge
  7. Outlook and Conclusion

4: Primitive Edge-Detection Filters

Similar to Thresholding and Segmentation, Edge-Detection is a commonly used technique in image processing (i.e. to descern boundarys of objects within an image etc.). In your project you will first be implementing a set of primitive edge-detection filters, as well as the more advanced Canny-Edge-Filter (Task 5).

4.1: The Filter-Kernels

There are a variety of different Kernels used for edge detection; some of the most common ones are Sobel, Scharr, and Prewitt - Kernels.

When applying these Filter-Kernels to an image through convolution, you essentially create the derivative of the image. This is because these Kernels result in higher pixel-values in regions, where the image contains a sharp change in brightness (similar to derivatives in analysis). This "derivation" is performed in X- and Y-direction seperately. Using both the X- and Y-derivative of an image, you can then generate the image-gradient by calculating the euclidean norm over both derivatives at each pixel of the image.

$G$ = $\sqrt{G_{x} ^ 2+G_{y} ^ 2}$

This image-gradient will then show the edges as bright and the rest of the image as black.

4.2: Filtering and Gradient

To do:

  1. Open the Task_4_Filters-class and create a new method:

    public FloatProcessor applyFilter (FloatProcessor In, int[][] kernel){}
  2. Create a new FloatProcessor to store the resulting image

  3. Iterate through the input image and perform the convolution

    📝 Note:
    Since you are working with a 3x3 kernel, you can't simply iterate through the entire image because you would encounter OutOfBounds-exceptions when getting to the rim of the image. For the sake of simplicity you can therefore ignore the outermost row/column of pixels.
  4. Return the resulting image

Now that your plugin can perform a convolution (and therefore a derivation), you can calculate the image-gradient.

To do:

  1. Create a new method:

    public FloatProcessor getGradient (FloatProcessor In_X, FloatProcessor In_Y){}

    (In_X and In_Y are the derivatives in X- and Y-direction respectively)

  2. Check if the input-images have the same dimensions, if not throw a fitting exception

  3. Create a new FloatProcessor to store the resulting image

  4. Iterate through the image and calculate the Gradient value for each pixel in the output-image

  5. Return the resulting image-gradient

4.3: User-Dialog

At this point your plugin contains everything needed to perform primitive edge-detection. As a final step you will implement a simple user-dialog, which will allow the user to select between the three filters mentioned above. The following code should be implemented in the run-method

To do:

  1. Create a new GenericDialog

  2. Create a String-array:

    String[] Filters = {"Sobel","Scharr","Prewitt"};
  3. Add a popup-menu to select which filter you want to use

    💡 Tip: Check the ImageJ-API to see how popup-menus are implemented
  4. Show the dialog

  5. Check if the dialog was cancelled. If it was, terminate the plugin

  6. Get the index (in the popup-menu) of the selected filter

  7. Perform the edge-detection using the selected filter and the methods you implemented

  8. Show your result

4.4: Project-Report

The part of your report concerning Task_4 should contain the following:

  • A short description on how these primitive Edge-Detection-Filters work
  • Possible limitiations, which would require a more sophisticated approach to edge-detection
  • Images you generated with your code
